Recurring false security system alarm calls will result in fees charged aimed at curbing wasted police time

The District of Squamish and Squamish RCMP will be enforcing the Fees and Charges Bylaw that allows a fee to be charged for police call outs to recurring false security alarm calls. With close to 450 false alarm calls in 2018, companies with security systems will be charged for call-outs that recur when building security systems repeatedly trigger alarms.

“We are doing this in an effort to incentivize companies to update their building security systems so that alarms are not triggered unnecessarily,” says Natasha Golbeck, Senior Director of Community Services at the District of Squamish. “In some cases police have attended a building multiple times in one night because of a sensor issue with the security system. It is a waste of resources and prevents officers from doing more important community work.”

Fees will be applied at $100 for a second false alarm in a 12-month period, $150 for a third false alarm, and $200 for a fourth and subsequent false alarm, all within a 12-month period.

“While this hasn’t been enforced recently due to a lack of administrative resources required to do so, the number of false alarm calls has increased to the point that we’re compelled to act,” says Golbeck. If fines are not paid, unpaid balances can be attached to property taxes.

Notice letters are being mailed to past offenders to warn them of future fees. The RCMP fee schedule is Schedule 15 in the Fees and Charges Bylaw, available through the online Bylaw Library.




July 18, 2019

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