Seeking Brand Development Committee members to play a lead role in directing how to market Squamish

The District of Squamish is looking for six local residents or business operators to join a Brand Development Committee (BDC) for up to nine weeks. The BDC is a project working group for the Squamish Brand Enhancement and Marketing Project, which will begin with a community kick-off January 8, 2014 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The committee will take the lead in finding and developing the brand direction with the help of the consulting team of Roger Brooks International, community engagement tools, and market research.

“The Brand Enhancement and Marketing Project will help us to develop a cohesive story and messaging for our community which will be the foundation upon which to achieve a thriving economic base,” says District of Squamish Acting Mayor Patricia Heintzman. “The time is now to lay down this foundation as we embark upon so many pivotal projects such as the Oceanfront development, downtown transformation, the 100 Years celebration, Biennale and others.”

Specifically, the BDC will work with consultants and project research to:

Committee members will be expected to be available for approximately three to four hours per week for nine weeks with specific requirements to:

These six individuals will join representatives from the District of Squamish, Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Squamish Business Improvement Association, and Tourism Squamish on the BDC.

“This committee and the process that kicks off January 8 will help us synthesize the message we send out to the world, and will help us internally as a community to bring further focus to our collective efforts,” continues Heintzman. “Get involved. It will only be as good or as successful as we all want it to be if we have rigorous input, involvement and buy-in from the greater community!”

Those interested in setting the direction for future marketing efforts for Squamish should send a letter in 250 words or less indicating why you are a great candidate for this role. Letters can be submitted to Dan McRae no later than December 13, 2013 at 4 p.m.  

Project background:

In May of 2011 District of Squamish Council adopted the Outline for Economic Development Activities as a framework to guide Economic Development. Phase III of the framework calls for the creation and implementation of a marketing program aimed at attracting new businesses to Squamish. The awarding of the provision for branding services will develop the story, tools and action plan required for a coordinated community marketing program.

The brand enhancement and marketing action plan will engage the community to:

November 26, 2013

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