Smoke Bluffs Park rock blasting July 18-Aug 17, 2019

The District has learned this week that BC Hydro will be conducting rock blasting in Smoke Bluffs Park through to August 17, 2019, and preparation work could begin as early as July 18. The work is to replace two sets of BC Hydro High Voltage Transmission lines situated above the Bluffs.

During blasting there is a high risk of rock, boulders, and debris being dislodged and falling down rock climbing faces or onto hiking trails. In addition, the high voltage power lines will remain live during the work adding potential risk to park users.

The District has been made aware of the following - park users, please pay close attention to signage and flagging personnel if using the park:

We will update this page with any new information as we receive it. We are working within our jurisdiction to try to gain as much access for park users as is safely possible. We understand this will have a significant impact on visitors and locals who expect to use the park.

Work will be undertaken on behalf of BC Hydro by O’Brien Bros. Please contact O’Brien Bros. with any questions or concerns at: or 778-241-2203.

The image below has been provided by O'Brien Bros. to denote the Restricted Access Zone (yellow) and the blasting zone (red). The three closed climbing routes are also marked. 

Smoke Bluffs BC Hydro work

July 17, 2019

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