Road Paving Season Is Now Upon Us

The 2018 Annual Road Reconstruction is underway, drivers are advised to watch for construction signs and road crews.

 Paving is weather sensitive so schedules will change. Traffic delays can be expected but as a minimum, single lane alternating traffic will be maintained at all times. Signs will be posted on major roads to advise commuters in advance of the exact dates for the work.

Residents and businesses fronting the paving locations will receive written project notices.

 Key Points:

 •Drivers are urged to use extra caution when driving through construction zones; be aware of on-site workers; obey posted construction signs; and follow the directions of traffic control personnel.

•Local businesses in construction zones are always accessible and open for business.

•To get to your destination on time, commuters on affected routes are encouraged to leave a few minutes early or find an alternate route.

 Thank you for your patience and cooperation when driving through the paving constructions sites.

June 19, 2018

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