The District of Squamish has initiated preparation of a Regional Context Statement (RCS) for inclusion in the Official Community Plan, as required by the Local Government Act following adoption of the SLRD Regional Growth Strategy (RGS) on June 28, 2010.
The first stage of this project, culminating with preparation of a draft RCS bylaw is now complete. This involved a policy analysis exercise where the Strategic Directions set out in the Regional Growth Strategy were compared against the policy content of the District’s Official Community Plan. A ‘Congruence Table’ illustrating the policy alignment between the two documents, as well as any policy gaps between the District’s OCP and the RGS, was provided to Council for review on March 13, 2012.
Following the Council workshop, District Staff prepared the RCS Bylaw, which was presented to Council for first reading on April 3, 2012, along with an OCP amendment bylaw for necessary amendments to support integration of the Regional Context Statement within the OCP. The bylaw and accompanying OCP amendments have been sent to the SLRD, the Squamish Nation, School District No. 48 and provincial agencies for a 30-day referral.
The RCS will become a chapter within the OCP describing how local planning and land use policy will work to advance the goals and objectives established in the Regional Growth Strategy. As a key implementation mechanism for the RGS, it will indicate how the District’s OCP specifically conforms to the provisions of the RGS, outlining:
i. the extent to which the municipal OCP is consistent with the RGS, and,
ii. if it is not consistent, how the municipality intends to bring itself into
consistency over time.
As an amendment to the OCP, the RCS is binding once adopted.
An RGS is a region-wide strategy to promote socially, economically, and environmentally healthy settlements, and to ensure efficient use of public facilities, land, and other resources. The SLRD RGS contains a combination of strategic directions, policy statements, and recommended actions. The RGS established nine strategic directions, including:
Goal 1: Focus Development into Compact, Complete, Sustainable Communities
Goal 2: Improve Transportation Linkages and Options
Goal 3: Support a Range of Quality Affordable Housing
Goal 4: Achieve a Sustainable Economy
Goal 5: Protect Natural Ecosystem Functioning
Goal 6: Encourage the Sustainable Use of Parks and Natural Areas
Goal 7: Create Healthy and Safe Communities
Goal 8: Enhance Relations with Aboriginal Communities
Goal 9: Improve Collaboration among Jurisdictions
The RGS was accepted by the four member municipalities (Squamish, Whistler, Pemberton, and Lillooet), and now gives long range planning direction to each municipality’s official community plans (OCPs).
Incorporation of the RCS within the OCP will be done by way of an OCP amending bylaw, which will necessitate legislative requirements for early and ongoing consultation, a public hearing and four readings of the bylaw by District Council. An initial Council workshop is planned for March 13, 2012. As draft content for the RCS is prepared, it will be available online here for community review and comment.
Consultations with the Squamish Lillooet Regional District, the Squamish Nation, the Howe Sound School District #48, the Resort Municipality of Whistler, and the Ministry of Community, Sport, and Cultural Development will get underway in the spring of 2012.
Regional Context Statements for Lillooet, Pemberton, and Whistler are also under development at this time. More information will be provided as it comes available.
DOS RSC Background Report Feb 14, 2012 COW
SLRD RGS Bylaw 1062, 2008
SLRD Regional Growth Strategy
DOS OCP Bylaw 2100, 2009
Bylaw 2223, 2012
Bylaw 2224, 2012
Council Report April 3, 2012 (Regular Meeting)
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