Tree Management Bylaw & Soils Management Bylaw

trees and soil bylaw4

For current information and to apply for a permit, please visit the Trees and Soils page.



In the 2015-2018 Council Strategic Plan (2016 Update), improving the management of trees and soils within the District was identified as a strategic priority, and rewriting the Site Alteration Bylaw was identified as a strategic action item. 

On March 7, 2017 staff presented an update to Council on the preliminary drafts of a Tree Management Bylaw and a Soils Management Bylaw for discussion and direction. 

Link to Staff Report:  March 7 Council Report.

The objectives of these bylaws are to protect and maintain the integrity of green infrastructure and sensitive ecosystems, and prevent their degradation through the regulation of activities which may impact them.

The new bylaws provide an opportunity to update and improve the tools through which the District regulates trees and soils throughout the community. They also provide clear guidelines and requirements and establish a fee structure and framework to ensure adequate resourcing is in place to administer the bylaws and uphold the standards therein.

Public Engagement

In the spring of 2017, the District ran various public engagement events as well as an online survey to seek feedback on the draft bylaws. A substantial amount of feedback was received.  The District is grateful to everyone who provided input. 

Here is a link to the Open House Display Boards.

A summary of the feedback received through the various engagement events and opportunities is linked here: Engagement and Feedback Summary

Finalization of the Bylaws

The feedback served as the basis for revisions to the proposed Tree Management Bylaw and Soils Management Bylaw.  Final drafts were presented to Council on October 9, 2018 (link to Staff Report).

The Tree Management and Soils Management Bylaws had additional bylaw implications including:  

  • Establishment of an Environmental Reserve Fund via bylaw, with funds going towards habitat restoration and enhancement, and potentially land acquisition for habitat preservation.
  • Bylaw amendments to the following:
    • Fees & Charges Bylaw No. 2012, 2007
    • Municipal Ticket Information Bylaw No. 1832, 2004
    • Notice Enforcement Bylaw No. 2418, 2015

The Tree Management Bylaw, Soils Management Bylaw, Environmental Reserve Fund Bylaw and associated companion bylaw amendments received first three readings on October 16, 2018.

The Tree Management Bylaw and Environmental Reserve Fund Bylaw were adopted on October 23, 2018.

Provincial Ministerial approval was required for the Soils Management Bylaw prior to adoption. This approval was received in July 2019, and the Soils Management Bylaw was adopted on September 17, 2019.


RELATED BYLAWS: Click here to visit the bylaw directory.

  • Tree Management Bylaw No. 2640, 2018
  • Soils Management Bylaw No. 2641, 2018
  • Environmental Reserve Fund Bylaw No. 2642, 2018
  • Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 2012, 2007
  • Municipal Ticket Information Bylaw No. 1832, 2004
  • Notice Enforcement Bylaw No. 2418, 2015

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