Moovee Innovations Inc.


Moovee Innovations Inc., a Vancouver-based clean-tech company, is developing Smart City transport solutions for the world.  Currently in the development and testing stage of its autonomous vehicle sensor and remote technology, the company has been developing technologies for smart transport with an emphasis on vehicular connectedness between city traffic and infrastructure of Smart City (eGovernment, Transport Cloud, charging grid, intelligent congestion management) and Smart Vehicles (driverless, clean energy, sharing).


Idea: Connected Transportation

Moovee’s Smart Cities proposal originates from its Smart Transport Cloud, which connects to a cluster of roadside nodes that wirelessly communicate with road traffic. The resulting vehicle-to-everything (V2X) connectedness is designed to harmonize both the regular driver-ed and coming autonomous vehicles and traffic. Real time traffic data is derived from the infrastructure of roadside sensors and from collaborative vehicular sensors.

Moovee is developing artificial intelligence extraction techniques on the captured Big Data stream. Moovee sees that on the basis of the Smart Transport Cloud, other Smart City sub-projects, such as Smart Charging Grid, parking management, city mobile assets management, transport logistic, etc. could be integrated into a seamless Smart City Data Centre.

Moovee is collaborating with an autonomous vehicle maker to integrate its sensing system onto a custom shuttle model for first/lastmile transit services. Moovee believes the rollout will deliver more efficient public transit services in a Smart City context, leading to reduced vehicle ownership, fewer on-road vehicles (reduced congestion), and much enhanced individual mobility, particularly among aging populations. 

The District plans to use the five goals identified within the Squamish2040 Official Community Plan to guide the development of the Challenge statement. Click to view the five goals in a new window.

Select which community OCP goals you think this proposal aligns to.



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